established in 1968
Alaska Healing Oils – Donna McKay – all ages – 2:30 – 3:30 July 3rd, Pratt Museum
I am a Haida/Tlingit Alaska native, a raven double fin killer whale. My workshop will consist of traditional herbs that have been used by Alaskans – and all over the world – for many generations. Devil’s club is a sacred plant, used to protect you from spirits that sometimes taunt you; it can cleanse and purify mind, body, and soul, or be used externally for arthritis, aches, and pains. Cottonwood is used mainly by Alaskans to relieve Indian celery burns, scars, aches, and pains. You will leave with a small lip balm of Devil’s club . I also have jewelry makings, if you want to make some, along with some petroglyph beach shells from Wrangell, Alaska.
Alaska Healing Oils will be followed by The Doctrine of Discovery.
This workshop is part of the New Old Time Chautauqua Be Mary Tour
The New Old Time Chautauqua is a nonprofit traveling educational variety show who will be touring South-Central Alaska for three weeks, visiting Talkeetna, Anchorage, Homer, and Seward. The tour is in honor of the late, the great Mary Langham of Homer. In Homer, the New Old Time Chautauqua is partnering with the Pratt Museum, Homer Council on the Arts, Pier One Theatre, and Bunnell Street Arts. For complete schedule, visit Homer Council on the Arts.