established in 1968
Welcome to the first Walking Museum event, hosted in partnership with the Center for Alaskan Coastal Studies! With the Walking Museum, the Pratt Museum expands opportunities for learning and discovery beyond the walls of our building and into the incredible outdoor spaces of Kachemak Bay.
From 2 – 4 PM on July 18, join the Pratt Museum’s Botanical Garden Curator Yarrow Hinnant in an exploration of the Pratt Trails. We will learn how to identify common plants found in the forest and practice documenting what we see through nature journaling, drawing, and collecting.
All ages are welcome! Please RSVP here:
The Pratt Museum is committed to providing an environment that supports keeping our visitors and staff healthy and safe. We request that attendees wear masks and maintain 6 feet of social distance at all times.
The next Walking Museum programs are August 22 and September 19.