Lives Well Lived: Virtual Film Screening and Live Q&A

Pratt Museum 3779 Bartlett Street , Homer, AK, United States

Join us for a screening of Lives Well Lived followed by a live Q&A with the filmmaker, Sky Bergman, in the comfort of your home!

First Fridays at the Pratt

Pratt Museum 3779 Bartlett Street , Homer, AK, United States

Join us for First Friday on October 1st in memory of Duffy. The museum will be open to the community for free from 4 - 6 PM. Enjoy light refreshments, […]

Glacier Salon

Pratt Museum 3779 Bartlett Street , Homer, AK, United States

Join us for hors d'oeuvres, wine, music, and art. A benefit for the Pratt Museum & Park.

Stories & Crafts for Families: Snowflake Making & Hot Chocolate

Pratt Museum 3779 Bartlett Street , Homer, AK, United States

For December, welcome the snow and celebrate the Holidays with snowflake making, hot chocolate with marshmallows, and storytime. All the materials will be provided.


March First Friday with the City of Homer

Pratt Museum 3779 Bartlett Street , Homer, AK, United States

Join the City of Homer Planning Team at the Pratt Museum & Park to see the collection of conceptual drawings by Stantec for the proposed new multi-purpose community center to be located at the current HERC site at Pioneer Avenue and Sterling Highway.


Stories & Crafts for Families: Ocean Magic

Pratt Museum 3779 Bartlett Street , Homer, AK, United States

Spring has sprung! Celebrate the Magical Ocean with us on free-family Saturdays from 1 - 2 PM every third Saturday of the month.


Stories & Crafts for Families: Treasure Hunt & Map Exploration

Pratt Museum 3779 Bartlett Street , Homer, AK, United States

Join us on Saturday, April 16th, 1 - 2 PM for a free, cartography-themed, family craft day!
Did you know?  The Pratt has over 270 individual maps and nautical charts in our permanent collection.  Join us for a treasure hunt and map exploration.
