The Pratt Museum was awarded a $750,000 challenge grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) in December 2009 to support its upcoming capital project. This prestigious grant requires the Museum to match the award amount on a 3 to 1 basis. To receive the entire award amount, the museum will need to raise $2.25 million from non-federal-government sources. The grant is to be used to expand, preserve, interpret and share the Pratt humanities collections through its capital project. The funds cannot be used to cover annual operations expenses (salaries, utility costs, or office supplies). The planned museum growth will provide for good stewardship of the Museum’s collections, expand the research and conservation areas, complete Phase 2 of the Master Exhibit Plan, and improve educational programming for the 4,000 students that visit the Pratt each year. With the support of the community, private donors, local government agencies, and private foundations, we look forward to meeting this challenge and improving facilities and programming at the museum!